Wireline Slickline
Wireline Auxiliary Tools Centralizer
Date:【2022-04-11 13:19】 Read:【】Times

 Wireline Auxiliary Tools Centralizer


3.1.1 #FlutedCentralizer is run to centralize the #toolstring where well deviation causes the running and pulling tools to lay off center. In addition to being a centralizer, it can also be used as a #tubing_drift.


3.1.2 The #MultiRollerWheelFlutedCentralizer is designed for use in #highly_deviated_wells. The wheels incorporated in the design overcome friction, which can be caused by the #toolstring scraping against the #tubing_wall.

Multi-Roller Wheel Fluted Centralizer


3.1.3 #BowSpringCentralizer is designed to assist in centralizing the #toolstring inside #bore_tubing. In addition to centralizing, this tool will also reduce #toolstring_shock whilst running in the well. The Design of this Centralizer enables one tool to centralize in a large range of #tubingID's. It can provide good centralization in #conventionalWell and #DeviatedWell.

Bow Spring Centralizer

3.1.4 #SlipOverBowSpringCentralizer is designed for use with #wireline_toolstring where the overall #toolstring length is a consideration. To minimize on length, the #slip_over_centralizer comprises a #short_sub which is made up to the #tool_string. The upper sleeve of the centralizer is then anchored to a groove in the short sub with grub screws.


Slip Over Bow Spring Centralizer


3.1.5 #AdjustableSpringCentralizer, is designed to centralize #wireline_toolstring or to provide cushion that will reduce shock transmitted to the gauges while running pressure and temperature gauges through the #tail_pipe and into the #casing. Tension of the #bow_spring is adjustable to accommodate the various weight of the #toolstring.


Adjustable Spring Centralizer


3.1.6 #AdjustableSpringRollerCentralizer is capable of providing high centralizing loads. Loads taken by the arms are fully adjustable, to support individual #toolstring configurations in #deviated_wells. A #swivel_unit is incorporated into the #top_sub in order to prevent any torsional force from being transmitted into the wire.


Adjustable Spring Roller Centralizer


3.1.7 #MultiRollerWheelStem is designed to provide centralizing for connecting #toolstring in high angle #deviated_wells. The short and compact design facilitates a 360-degree wheel contact, thus reducing friction or 'drag' caused by full contact area of the #toolstring and the #tubing_wall.


Multi-Roller Wheel Stem


3.1.8 The #RollerBallSub is designed for use in highly #deviated_wells. The design offers a 360-degree wheel contact, reducing the friction caused by contact with the #tubing_wall. The Roller Ball Sub can be incorporated at various points of the string to create a near frictionless #toolstring_operation. It is also obtainable as part of the standard #toolstring i.e. #Stem, #Jars, #Bailer etc.,.


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