Wireline Slickline
Rope Socket
Date:【2022-03-11 19:46】 Read:【】Times

Rope Socket is the uppermost component in a wireline toolstring and forms an essential link between the toolstring and the wire.

1.1 Pear Drop Design

Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.1 Pear Drop Design


1.2 Disc & Spring Design


Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.2 Disc & Spring Design


 1.3 Slip Design


Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.3 Slip Design


1.4 Clamp Design

Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.4 Clamp Design


1.5 Maxi Grip

Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.5 Maxi Grip


1.6 Weak Point


Wireline Tools, Basic Tool string, Rope Socket, 1.6 Weak Point





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